Computational Biology, Ecology, & Evolution

ComBEE is a group of researchers at UW-Madison interested in computational biology. ComBEE is a space where researchers can share their coding skills and tools with colleagues. Community events provide a space for researchers to discuss the computational aspects of their research while helping colleagues, and sharing their work. ComBEE is a great community for meeting new people in computational biology at UW-Madison. Join the community to learn more!

Get Involved

Join the Community!

Anyone who is working with or wants to discuss or learn more about computational biology research is invited to join! Join the Google group to be notified of upcoming events, and join the Slack channel (#combee-general) to stay connected with the community! New members are encouraged to introduce themselves in the #combee-general channel in Slack.

Join Google Group     Join Slack Group

If you have any trouble joining either platform, please send an email to

Upcoming ComBEE Events

Previous Events

Previously ComBEE has joined together for…

  • A semester social kick-off

  • Presentations on campus research computing/data services

  • Monthly meetings with discussions on automating workflows and machine learning in biology

Submit an Event

Have a topic you want to discuss? Have a demo you want to give? Want to run a lunch social or a mini workshop?

Then reach out and we can help facilitate, advertise, or host your event within the ComBEE community!

Send an email to to discuss more!

Leadership Team

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Interested in Joining the ComBEE Leadership Team?

ComBEE welcomes members to join the leadership team! The leadership team helps grow and sustain a lively and engaged community of practice, and ensures ComBEE researchers across campus have ample opportunities to discuss challenges, learn from one another, and support each other. Anyone passionate about computational biology, ecology, or evolution and community is welcome to join—including students, no minimum experience required!

The leadership team meets 1-2 times a semester to: brainstorm and plan events and resources to serve the needs of the ComBEE community, select themes and recruit speakers for events, strategize ways to create a lively community and increase engagement, collaborate with other ComBEE-related groups on campus.

To join the leadership team, please email with a brief summary of your interest in computational biology, ecology, or evolution research.

Sarah Stevens

Sarah Stevens (she/her/hers)
Data Science Hub Director


Image of Patricia Tran

Patricia Tran (she/her/hers)
Bioinformatics Pipeline Computational Scientist

IMG_9669 2_edited.jpg

Madeline Topf
Microbiology PhD student


Photo of Kaustubh Amritkar

Kaustubh Amritsar (he/him)
Biophysics PhD student

Raison Dsouza

Raison Dsouza (he/him) Assistant Scientist at Morgridge

Interested in Sponsoring Us?

We are actively seeking sponsorships as we continue to grow and expand of our thriving community! Your generous support would play a pivotal role in enabling us to consistently deliver unparalleled value to our members through machine learning workshops, discussion forums, social gatherings, and more. Email to learn how your organization will be represented as a sponsor of ComBEE.
