ML+X Sponsorship

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring ML+X! We firmly believe that your organization stands to gain significant advantages by sponsoring our vibrant community. Beyond the exposure to our highly talented members, this opportunity presents a gateway to recruit exceptional individuals from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, while establishing connections with professionals who share an ardent passion for machine learning.

We are delighted to offer three tiers of sponsorship, each accompanied by distinctive benefits and representation. We invite you to explore the sponsorship tiers outlined below, which highlight the representation you will receive as an esteemed ML+X sponsor. Note that all sponsorship benefits last for the duration of the academic year (9/1/24 – 9/1/25). Contributions made between May 1st – August 31st will apply to the upcoming academic year.

To sponsor the ML+X community at any of these levels or inquire for more information, please contact us at

Tiers & Benefits


  • On-site table: Reserve an on-site table at UW-Madison’s annual Research Bazaar conference.
  • Logo featured: Organization logo included on the ML+X website and member T-shirt.
  • Blog post: Blog post/interview featured on the ML+X website.
  • Shoutout: Recognition at the start of each monthly forum.


  • On-site table: Reserve an on-site table at UW-Madison’s annual Research Bazaar conference.
  • Logo featured: Organization logo included on the ML+X website and member T-shirt.
  • Blog post: Blog post/interview featured on the ML+X website.
  • Shoutout: Recognition at the start of each monthly forum.
  • Workshop discount: All company employees receive 25% off data science and machine learning workshops offered by the Carpentries — one of our affiliate organizations. Full ticket price ranges from $100-$300.


  • On-site table: Reserve an on-site table at UW-Madison’s annual Research Bazaar conference.
  • Logo featured: Organization logo included on the ML+X website and member T-shirt.
  • Blog post: Blog post/interview featured on the ML+X website.
  • Shoutout: Recognition at the start of each monthly forum.
  • Workshop discount: All organization employees receive 50% off data science and machine learning workshops offered by the Carpentries — one of our affiliate organizations. Full ticket price ranges from $100-$300.
  • Email permissions: Permission to post up to 2 messages (per year) to the community’s Google group.
  • Recruitment event: The community will market and host a recruitment-oriented event for your organization. This event will (optionally) be recorded and added to the ML+X website.

Thank You ML+X Sponsors

ML+X is grateful to our sponsors for providing us monetary support in achieving our goals helping ML practitioners explore the challenges and pitfalls of ML, sharing knowledge and resources, and supporting each others’ work.

Learn more about out sponsors by clicking the logos below!